El Dorado


If you're the kind that expects bales of white fluffy towels, Bang & Olufsen gadgets and a REN filled bathroom, please don't go here. If however you're like us and prefer  Vintage Parisienne charm please do.

If you like your city bolt hole  to have every corner stuffed with curios, antique lace at your full length french windows, mismatched coloured tiles on the floor,  spacious rooms (rare as hens teeth in Paris in my experience) overlooking courtyard gardens heavily planted with exotic flora, charming staff who can be bothered to engage, then this might be for you.

They also happen to have an incredibly popular bistro.  Arrive after 7o'clock & stand no chance bagging a rickety table in the lovely garden, which would be a shame because whilst sitting under strings of coloured lights, I ate some of the best food I've ever eaten in France.

It's fair to say we had a lovely stay. I can't vouch for every room but we were lucky enough to have room deux in the garden house. Slightly shabby but tres chic.