Summer is well & truly upon us and as such us lucky Kentish dwellers have the pick of the soft fruit crop. Off to the local farm we went & came back with fingers stained purple & pink, scratches up our arms, stinger rash on our legs, stomachs full of samples! And enough bounty to fill the freezer 'til Christmas.
Using my full proof shortcrust pastry method, the one where you add an egg yolk & icing sugar, I proceeded to make pastry cases for England.
The end results were lovely, well received & promptly dispatched by my lot, their favourite being a lovely sweetened mascarpone, cream, lemon filled & blueberry topped one. I added a few mint leaves for the grown ups.
The cherries didn't last long. After they were modelled as earrings for a bit they were promptly scoffed & a cherry stone spitting competition commenced, it's a family thing!