Jardin des Plantes - Montpellier.
France’s oldest botanical garden. established 1593
It may be cold out there, insipid & uninspiring, the days filled with much put off admin & tax returns, but my own outlook has suddenly brightened. Whilst archiving my photographs from 2015 I happened across some pictures taken during a trip down south, Montpellier, in the south of France, to be more specific. Ahhh, clear blue skies, warm days, gentle breezes. September at its very best.
Hark at me, archiving, that makes me sound like I know what I’m doing. No photographer am I, but have iphone, will wave it around & push buttons!
Like a scene from Lewis Carroll’s imagination.
Montpellier is a city we’ve been lucky enough to visit several times, mainly in the course of catching up with some old muckers & their 3 mad musketeers. To while away days & blather long into balmy nights. Not so much so on this trip, we touched down on a mission, that being to re locate the eldest, who as part of her degree course was about to embark on a year of teaching little ones the strange ways of the English language.
Lots of sky pics, Mediterranean blue, nothing quite like it.
In a break from apartment hunting, unravelling reams of paperwork & general bureaucracy we sloped off for a meander around the Jardin des Plantes. Tranquil respite in botanical form. There may well have been pastry treats involved, there so often are. Hey ho, whilst in France!
This busy bee seems happy with his lot
Now, as well as not being a photographer, I’m no horticulturist either, although people very often expect me to be. I’m good at dealing with things that others have grown NOT growing my own. I don’t have a garden luscious with well nurtured specimens, anything that I have ever grown successfully was purely accidental, even the box plants on the doorstep have seen better days & as I have said on many occasions I have no desire to ever own a flymo.
Lovely double Hibiscus and some dates.
However, I do fully appreciate & am cheered by other people’s well tended patches. Be it a jolly hollyhock filled back yard, with a well used shed or a lavishly planted formal extravaganza complete with orangery & arboretum, of course I do, it’s where much of my inspiration comes from, but as one with not a single green digit, I long ago concluded that gardening is probably best left to those with a floriculture state of mind.
Having said that, I’m not bad at variety identification, I’ll even give you some in Latin, but as to the collection here, no clue. I’ve conjured up some of my own names to annotate my collection of snaps but feel free to enlighten me if you are greener & wiser than myself.
I know this one……..Angels trumpet, Brugmansia, incredible perfume, no wonder their diaphanous petals are always full of nectar collectors.
Magnolia - Or Dragon heads, ready to spit their ruby seeds of fire, depending on which way you look at it.
No grand garden would be complete without a prickly collection of these fine fellows.
This trip would not have been fruitful, this blog (such as it is) written, the continuing sanity of it’s scribbler would not have been maintained, without the unbelievably generous help & support not to mention delicious hospitality of our friends Pat & Charlie, to them I, we, all of us are so grateful x
Whilst you're here, pop over to Charlies web site http://www.charliebonallack.com he sure is a clever stick & his artworks are sublime